Popular Robopets Scheme Returns!

We are pleased to announce our Robopet scheme is returning to enable even more people with dementia and memory loss the opportunity to enjoy the comfort they can bring. For many people, pets can become important companions, but for those living with dementia, it’s not always suitable to have animals at home. Robopets can offer an alternative to real pets and can bring many comforting benefits for those with memory conditions and for their carers too.

A recent review of studies on Robopets for dementia patients suggested time spent with them lowered levels of agitation and depression*. For those with dementia who have fond memories of owning a pet in their past, spending time with their Robopet can keep them calm and engaged and may enable their carer to have some quality time to themselves. One carer, Jason, who fostered a Robopet dog, was absolutely thrilled with the difference it has made to their lives. He told us

“I applied for a Robopet for my mother who has Alzheimers and she was a bit hesitant to start with, but soon I found her chatting away and petting it regularly! She is far less stressed and her Robocat sits with her every day and keeps her company. I wish we had got one sooner!”

Why not contact our Helpline to register your interest in fostering either a Robopet dog or cat and we will contact you when they become available. Request online by clicking on ‘ask’ on www.devoncarers.org.uk, or call 03456 434 435 or email: info@devoncarers.org.uk Please supply your full name, date of birth and contact details.

*NIHR Applied Research Collaboration South West Peninsula ‘What are the effects of robopets on the health and wellbeing of residents of care homes. A systematic review of qualitative and quantitative evidence.’