Replacement Care Innovation Fund

Devon County Council to fund providers who develop innovative replacement care opportunities to enable carers to take a break

Unpaid carers in Devon have told us that they haven’t been able to have a break from their caring role because they’ve been unable to access replacement care for the person they look after. To help in these unprecedented times, Devon County Council have launched a dedicated Carers Break Fund for any 18+ unpaid carer of adults, for more information visit our website here.

In addition to this fund, Devon County Council have joined forces with NHS Devon to launch a brand-new Replacement Care Innovation Fund which will make grants of between £1,000 and £15,000 available to care providers, personal assistants, and carers themselves who can develop and provide innovative opportunities that will give other carers a break, during COVID-19 and beyond.

If you know an organisation who might be interested in apply for this fund then please pass this information on. To read the latest news on this fund from Devon County Council click here. For further details of the Replacement Care Innovation Fund click here. To register your interest in applying for the Replacement Care Innovation Fund email: