Carer support sessions
Session 1 – Being a carer
- Looking after yourself as a carer
- A balancing act and keeping all wheels turning
- Keeping your thoughts positive
- Looking at your goals and how to achieve them
- Relaxation
Session 2 – What we say … and what we mean
- What stops us saying what we mean?
- How we communicate
- Knowing our limits
- Working in partnership with healthcare services
- Relaxation
Session 3 – Thoughts, feelings and behaviours
- The effects of stress
- Influencing our thoughts, feelings and behaviour
- Challenging difficult thoughts
- Action planning
You are encouraged to attend all of the sessions but as each is self-contained there is no obligation to attend all three or do the sessions in a set order. Please note that this course is not available in your area if you are registered with a GP funded by Torbay and South Devon CCG, therefore please contact Torbay and South Devon NHS service to attend ‘Help Overcoming Problems Effectively’ (HOPE) which is a similar course.