Caring for carers
This course is aimed at unpaid carers to help them manage their caring role and stay well. Carers will discover what type of carer they are and how this impacts on their caring role. It will help carers to manage stress, look at the impacts of caring and find coping strategies to maintain a better life balance. Carers will be able to put together a contingency plan. Carers will also look at their communication styles and develop assertiveness techniques.
The course will:
- Identify the type of carer you are and how this impacts on your caring role and relationships
- Look at and identify the stress in your life and how it affects you – do you look after your own needs?
- Discover how coping strategies can help manage the stress in your life – what you do now and what you could develop
- Look at how to communicate with others – is it always effective?
- Learn new ways to communicate and be assertive
- What is a contingency plan? Do you have one – find out and start to plan your own