For professionals

Devon Carers services are available for unpaid adult carers of adults in the DCC area, and for young carers under 18. For services for parent carers please refer to support and activities for families of children with SEND (

It’s easy to refer to our services.  Select from the options below:

For all professionals who do not have Carefirst access

  • Refer an adult carer of an adult for registration with us here
  • See below for what happens next

For DCC and NHS staff who have access to Carefirst

  • To register a carer who needs an assessment. Open a Carers Initial Contact record, complete the required information and reassign to DCHLA
  • To register a carer who does not need an assessment send an observation from the carer record to DCHLA

Refer a Young Carer

This form is for all professionals

  • Refer a Young Carer (aged 4 – 17 years) for registration with Devon Young Carers service. Download referral form here
  • For more information on Devon Young Carers service click here

By telephone

If you would like to register a carer whilst you are with them and you do not have internet access you call our Contact Centre on 0300 500 40 43

What happens next?

If the person is not already registered with us, we will post a welcome pack with details of our services to the carer within 10 working days. This will include all the information about how we can help and how they can get in touch with us.

We will attempt to contact the carer using the information provided over the next 2 weeks. In all cases we will let you know the outcome of this call, including if we have been unable to speak with them.

What’s in a welcome pack

A standard welcome pack consists of the following:

If additional information is requested by the carer this will also be sent at the time same time.

Working Together


Very often it’s the practice staff who identify a person is a carer during a visit to their surgery.

How we can help:

  • Provide carer awareness training for your staff; either face to face or online awareness training available
  • Provide a suite of information resources, including leaflets, posters and digital displays
  • Attend practice meetings to update staff on our services
  • Attend special clinics (e.g. ‘flu clinics) to raise carer awareness

Health and Social Care Professionals

As a professional you are usually working in an environment where you come into contact with people who are carers, or about to become a carer.  We need your help to identify more carers in our communities to ensure they are receiving information and support throughout their caring journey.

Please get in touch if you need some of our general information leaflets, carer recognition tools or any other resource that will help you to promote our service.


Carer Friendly Devon

We are working with organisations and businesses across the county to raise awareness of unpaid carers and their contribution to their community, as well as helping employers to support carers in their workforce.

To find out more:

Carer friendly Devon – Devon Carers

If you are interested in signing up

Sign up to get involved – Devon Carers