Be a Carers Ambassador
Would you like to be a Carers Ambassador?
Carer Ambassadors are current and former carers who use their lived experience and knowledge of caring to improve life for carers in Devon.
If this sounds interesting to you, we would love to meet you to discuss the various roles carried out by Carer Ambassadors and how you could help us to help others.
For example, perhaps you would enjoy promoting carer awareness and the role of carers at events in the community.
Or maybe you would be interested in showing new carers how to get the best from our website? As an experienced carer you will know better than anyone how important it is to be able to access relevant, accurate information first time.
There are many other ways you can help too:
- Attend meetings and events to represent the views of carers
- Assist us with the recruitment of staff and volunteers
- Help us to identify carers at an early stage in their caring journey
- Get involved with educating communities, organisations and businesses on the role of a carer and assisting with our carer awareness training
- Help us to recruit more Carer Ambassadors
- Attend and/or arrange community events and awareness-raising events for carers for such as Carers’ Week or Carers Rights Day
- Assist us to improve services for carers by carrying out ‘mystery shopping’ and identifying issues with services when talking to carers
- Encourage carers to share their knowledge with others, by writing articles for the website or newsletter or by helping with the content of training courses
- And much more!
Carer Ambassadors are supported by Devon Carers and have direct access to service Commissioners. This support includes briefings on policies and developments. Carer Ambassadors need to be well-informed and part of the role is to take personal responsibility for ensuring this, for example by reading, attending training and requesting relevant information.