Getting a carers assessment
Adults who are caring for adults are entitled under the Care Act 2014 to a Carers Assessment. This assesses a carer’s individual needs and places a duty on the local authority to provide appropriate support if required.
The rights of parents caring for a child aged under 18 are covered by the Children and Families Act, which places a duty on councils to provide a Carers Assessment if it appears that the parents have unaddressed needs, or a parent carer requests it.
The rights of young carers (children under 18 who have caring responsibilities) come mostly from the Children’s Act 1989 and the Children and Families Act 2014. The local authority has a duty to ensure that, as part of a ‘whole family approach’, if an adult is being cared for the council must consider whether any children are involved in the provision of care and what impact this is having on the child.
For more information on having a carers assessment please contact our helpline or visit this page: