Planning for care when I am no longer able to

Firstly, make sure you have an up-to-date Emergency Plan.

An Emergency Plan is a record that needs to contain basic, useful information to help others when looking after the person (or persons) you care for, whether it is family, friends or even emergency support services.

Whilst completing the plan consider if there is anyone else you could ask who may be able to help out now or in the future.

Where possible, have a conversation with family or friends – talking to someone may help alleviate your worries about the future.

For more information and a copy of our Emergency Plan template is available here.

It is important to recognise that caring roles do change, whether this is due to changes to your personal circumstances or the increased needs of the person you care for. You may need to consider other types of care services to assist you both.

Devon Carers have created an Escalation Plan specifically to help you to look at this. For more information and a copy of our Escalation Plan template is available here.

It may mean adapting your home, additional help to assist with personal care, cleaning, or preparing meals, the person you care for spending time at a day care centre, or if you are no longer able to care for them at home considering specialist housing or a care home.

For information on finding and arranging care, visit:

If the time comes to consider a care home for the person you care for it can be a very difficult decision.

For advice on finding and choosing the right care home and paying for the care, visit:

Details of individual providers in your area can be found on Devon County Councils site:

Consider organising a Lasting Power of Attorney, this is a legal document to enable others to make decisions for you should you be in a situation you are unable to do so.

There are two types of LPA – LPA (Personal Welfare) and LPA (Property and Financial Affairs).

For further information on LPAs visit: