helpline standards 2020 - 2023 logoHow to get in touch?

There are different ways you can get in touch with Devon Carers, by phone, Live Chat through Pubble (which is with our Advice Line Team) or through The pod.  We’re here to help you.  Just Ask.

Opening Hours

Monday to Friday: 8am – 6pm
Saturday: 9am – 1pm

‘ask’ Web Chat (Pubble)

If you see Pubble or Ask on the website, it is our Help Line Team. You can chat safely and privately with us here at Devon Carers.

Chat with our helpline Monday- Friday 8am-6pm & Saturday 9am-1pm

Helpline: 03456 434 435


For urgent social care help and advice contact:
Care Direct 0345 1551 007 – Click here for further information.

Caring for someone in Torbay?

If the person you care for pays their council tax to Torbay Council, visit Torbay Carers Service here

Caring for someone in Plymouth?

If the person you care for pays their council tax to Plymouth Council, visit Caring For Carers here