
Devon Carers can support carers of people living with dementia in several ways.

The initial conversation will ensure you have information about:

  • Devon-wide specialist organisations such as Alzheimer’s Society and Age UK
  • Admiral Nurses (if they are in your area)
  • A range of social supports for you both as a care partnership such as memory cafes, singing for the brain or museum object handling sessions
  • Any carers groups and peer support in your area, some of which are specifically for carers of people with dementia
  • We can signpost or send you information and contacts for rarer types of dementia such as Lewy Bodies or Frontotemporal lobe dementia

We offer courses on basic knowledge and skills in supporting a person with a dementia such as changes in communicating and adapting your home.

We run sessions on carer resilience covering: coping and adapting to the changes that occur in your relationship and in the person’s behaviour as their condition progresses; looking at what social and paid support will help; how to maintain your own health and wellbeing.

Our courses and resilience sessions offer opportunities to meet other carers in similar situations to learn from one another.

Where the person you care for does not have a diagnosis, but it is probable that they do have a dementia, Devon Carers may offer personal advice by phone or face to face on aspects of care.

There are downloadable information sheets on common situations such as having successful holidays and managing Christmas.

If there is anything you can’t find, please let us know and we will do our best to research and locate information and support to help you live well with dementia.

Please click here to download the Living With Dementia: A Carers Guide

Useful information and organisations

Age UK

Age UK

Age UK have a helpful ‘Information and Advice’ section about caring for someone with dementia. Topics include: what support is available for the carer, how to manage financial and legal issues, memory cafes, online groups, how to support and communicate with a person with dementia, moving to a care home and end of life care. There is also as postcode search whereby you can find Age UK support services near you.

For advice on information, money, care or health call 0800 055 6112

Alzheimer's Research UK

Alzheimers Research UK

Alzheimers Research UK not only fundraises for more research into dementia but also has handy information sections on their website including: quick reference guides to dementia (available in different languages) and how to teach children about dementia in age specific terms/games with online resources.

Call 0300 111 5555

Alzheimer's Society

Alzheimer’s Society

Find out about the different types of dementia, symptoms and diagnosis, risk factors and prevention, treatments, research, get involved in fundraising and find support in your local area. Topics include: social groups, care homes, advocacy, day care, transport, support in your community or in the home and an online forum where both carer and cared for can post concerns/questions/answers about living with dementia.

Helpline 0300 222 1122 / Devon office 0300 123 2029

Dementia UK

Dementia UK

Dementia UK provides Admiral Nurses to support families affected by dementia. You can find information on understanding dementia, symptoms, diagnosis, useful help sheets, support for families or find an Admiral Nurse service in your area. Call their specialist helpline with any questions or concerns you have about supporting someone with dementia.

Visit Https://

Helpline 0800 888 6678

Devon and Cornwall Police

Devon & Cornwall Police

The Herbert Protocol is the national scheme introduced by the Met Police in partnership with other agencies to encourage carers to compile useful information which could be used in the event of a vulnerable person going missing.

Live Better With

Live Better With

Live Better With is a useful online shop (others are available) selling products to enable people with dementia to maintain independence. The site allows you to search not only by product, but also by specific dementia need, challenge or situation. The site also incorporates practical advice, real life carer’s stories and blogs.

Call 0203 322 9070

Young Dementia UK

Young Dementia UK

With over 42,000 people living in the UK with young onset dementia (under 65 yrs) this charity exists to help people whose lives are affected by the condition. Find support, research, practical advice, resources including blogs, books, websites and how to join their Young Dementia Network.

Call 01993 776295 for general enquiries or 01865 79431 for support related enquiries.

Dementia Dictionary

People with dementia will start to form a new type of language using actions, behaviours, body language, noises or situations and this is called ‘The Language of dementia’.

Dementia Dictionary aims to translate this new communication into an understandable language and reconnect people with dementia to the world.



A dementia charity for carers in the UK campaigning and influencing dementia support policy services. They have a lot of useful resources for carers caring for someone with dementia.


Dementia Carers Count

Dementia Carers Count is a national charity which provides support to people caring for someone living with dementia. 
