Calls for unpaid carers to receive their COVID-19 vaccination

Devon County Council has enlisted the support of PDA Dad Duncan (@pdadaduk) who is an unpaid carer and Carer Ambassador for Devon Carers, to explain why he received the COVID-19 vaccine and why it’s important as an unpaid carer to be double-jabbed.

Nationally, Helen Walker Chief Executive of Carers UK is also calling for unpaid carers, who haven’t had their Covid Vaccination yet, to do so to protect those they care for. 

“Hundreds and thousands of unpaid carers have now received their COVID-19 vaccine, a hugely important step in protecting themselves and the people they care for from coronavirus,” she says.  

“Those who are vaccinated are less likely to get seriously ill or die from COVID-19. They’re also less likely to pass the virus on to others. So it’s especially important to take up the vaccine if you’re an unpaid carer to protect yourself and the people you care for.”  

If you are an unpaid carer, aged over 16 and you haven’t received your vaccination yet, you can book an appointment at a time and a place convenient to you through: or by ringing 119.  

You could also be vaccinated at one of hundreds of centres across the county without the need to book in advance, to find your closest one visit:

If the national service is not able to offer you a suitable time for your vaccine, contact the Devon Vaccine Support Team who can help by arranging your vaccination at a time to suit you, fast tracking your appointment to get you home more quickly or by arranging transportation. Contact them by email: or by calling 01752 398836.