Carers Rights Day Thursday 26th November 2020
Whether you are a new carer or have been caring for a while, we believe it is important you are aware of your rights and can access the support available to you, at the time, you may need it.
Know Your Rights, the theme for Carers Rights Day 2020, is about:
• making carers aware of their rights
• letting carers know where to get help and support
• raising awareness of the needs of carers
As unpaid carers, you need to know your rights wherever you are in your caring journey: whether you are in the workplace, in a healthcare setting, when interacting with professionals or, at home. We want to empower carers with information and support, so you can feel confident asking for what you need. We also want carers to know how to challenge things, if their rights are not being met.
Following COVID-19 guidance and regulations, our Carers Rights Day events will be provided online through Zoom. Should you require any IT support to help you access Zoom on your device, please contact us well in advance, as we may be able to help.
Events include:
• Michelmores Solicitors answer legal questions you may have including power of attorney queries*.
• Citizens Advice will join us to chat online about your rights and the benefits available to carers.
• Our Lead Practitioner for Training will discuss new skills you would like to learn to help support you in your caring role*.
• Our Occupational Therapist will host a Q&A session to answer your equipment and manual handling queries*.
• A helpful Q&A session on caring for someone with dementia*.
• How to navigate social care with our Social Care Manager*.
• Devon County Council will host an understanding direct payments session.
• Our Lead Practitioner for Mental Health will discuss how to access services and how they can help.
* Questions required in advance of Zoom session
We will be posting our programme of events in the coming weeks, so keep an eye out for our full timetable and how to book on to our online events on our Carers Rights Day page here.