NHS Continuing Healthcare
Some carers may have heard of, receive or applied for Continuing Healthcare funding through the NHS. One Devon have published additional information about the fund, who is eligible and how to apply on there website. Please click here to go straight there. We’ve copied some of the main details here for you, however we’d encourage anyone interested in it to look at the information available from One Devon directly.
What is NHS Continuing Healthcare (CHC)?
NHS Continuing Healthcare is an NHS fully funded package of care that some people are entitled to receive due to their long-term health needs. You might hear ‘Continuing Healthcare’ shortened to ‘CHC’.
When an individual becomes eligible for CHC, it means the NHS – rather than the Local Authority – becomes responsible for meeting the individual’s health and associated social care needs. This includes funding the care, which unlike Local Authority (Social Services) funding, is not means tested (unrelated to the amount of earnings or savings someone has).